Section 3: Breaking Firewalls

Johannes Franken

On this page I show you, how to hide ssh in other protocols and tunnel it through firewalls.

Passing security systems is forbidden. In this talk I try to establish an understanding for security vulnerabilities, so that you can protect yourself.


  1. Motivation
  2. Using open ports
  3. Using existing proxy-servers
    1. ssh over http
      1. httptunnel
    2. ssh over https
      1. ssh-https-tunnel
      2. transconnect
      3. proxytunnel
  4. Recommendations
  5. Further readings


ssh-connections pose an enormous risk to companies, as employees can use them to setup tunnels and transfer files, disregarding of any Logfiles and virus scanners.

That's why many companies disallow access to port 22 of any Internet adresses on their router- and firewall-devices. But, since today practically no company can abstain from access to the Internet, they usually have certain holes in their firewall policies. In this talk I will show you, how to explore and (ab?)use them for ssh connections.

Applying your knowledge from part 2 (particularly ppp-over-ssh), it is trivial to make arbitrary IP-connections through almost any firewall.


Using open ports

First you should check if the firewall basically lets certain ports pass. I recommend using the nmap portscanner of
root@hamster$ nmap -sA -p 1-65535
Starting nmap V. 2.54BETA22 ( )
Interesting ports on (
(The 21 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: filtered)
Port       State       Service
25/tcp     UNfiltered  smtp
80/tcp     UNfiltered  http
443/tcp    UNfiltered  https
Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 5138 seconds

If there's even one single port found to be unfiltered (like port 80 in this example), you can run another sshd on that port at your server:

or redirect queries from that port to port 22 using ssh, inetd/nc, xinetd or firewall rules:

For an example, see Part 2.

For the client side, either supply the parameter -p 80 to every call to ssh, or permanently configure the port in ~/.ssh/config:
        Port 80
        User jfranken


Using existing proxy-servers

If (according to nmap) your box can't access any port in the Internet, but you've got web-access via proxy-servers, you can have that proxy-server forward your ssh-connections to the Internet.

ssh over http


httptunnel makes a remote server's tcp port locally available. The connection runs over two little programs (hts and htc), which communicate in http like a browser and webserver.


My version of httptunnel (v3.3) still has some bugs:

More about:
see: httptunnel homepage

ssh over https


The perl-script ssh-https-tunnel sends a CONNECT-request to your proxy-server, thus directing it to open a TCP-connection with a remote host's port. Then it will allow communication to that port at stdin/stdout.

An update by Gerd Aschemann <> simplifies the configuration, so that you don't need to store the proxy settings in the source code any more, because it will read them from your HTTP_PROXY environment variable or the file ~/.ssh/https-proxy.conf.

$ HTTP_PROXY=http://proxy:8080 ./ssh-https-tunnel 25
220 ESMTP Exim 3.35 #1 Fri, 13 Sep 2002 18:08:13 +0200
HELO abc
250 Hello []
221 closing connection

This is what the proxyservers loggs, after the connection is over:
proxy:~# tail -1 /var/log/squid/access.log| fmt
1031933305.366  11857 TCP_MISS/200 213 CONNECT - DIRECT/ -

Of course, you can also drive ssh through such a tunnel. If the proxyserver is well configured or sitting behind a firewall, https-connections might be allowed to port 443 only. In this case, you can start another ssh-demon on port 443 or forward it to your already running sshd on port 22 (for example with ssh -gL 443:localhost:22 localhost) or xinetd).


And from now on the connection to the ssh-demon at gate:443 will take it's way via the proxyserver:

$ ssh -v
OpenSSH_3.4p1 Debian 1:3.4p1-2, SSH protocols 1.5/2.0, OpenSSL 0x0090605f
debug1: Reading configuration data /export/home/jfranken/.ssh/config
debug1: Applying options for
debug1: Applying options for *
debug1: Executing proxy command:  ~/.ssh/ssh-https-tunnel 443
debug1: Remote protocol version 1.99, remote software version OpenSSH_2.9.9p2
Last login: Fri Sep 13 18:28:31 2002 from
Have a lot of fun...


transconnect is a C-library, which replaces the connect-function of glibc in a way, so that any connection establishment is directed over a proxy server. Thus it will work for dynamically linked binaries only (check with ldd). It's advantage over any port-based tunneling tool is it's flexibility: it will automatically direct any port over the proxyserver.
$ LD_PRELOAD=~/.tconn/ netcat hamster daytime
Sat Sep 14 11:25:49 2002

see transconnect Project Home Page


proxytunnel is a C-program, and makes a remote port behind an https proxyserver locally available - either as pipe or listening port. You can even configure it to start on demand (from inetd).

It's got a straight syntax:

$ ./proxytunnel-linux-i386 --help
Proxytunnel 1.1.0
Jos Visser (Muppet) <>, Mark Janssen (Maniac) <>

  Build generic tunnels trough HTTPS proxy's, supports HTTP authorization

Usage: Proxytunnel [OPTIONS]...
   -h         --help              Print help and exit
   -V         --version           Print version and exit
   -c         --config=FILE       Read config options from file (FIXME)
   -i         --inetd             Run from inetd (default=off)
   -a INT     --standalone=INT    Run as standalone daemon on specified port
   -f         --nobackground      Don't for to background in standalone mode (FIXME)
   -u STRING  --user=STRING       Username to send to HTTPS proxy for auth
   -s STRING  --pass=STRING       Password to send to HTTPS proxy for auth
   -g STRING  --proxyhost=STRING  HTTPS Proxy host to connect to
   -G INT     --proxyport=INT     HTTPS Proxy portnumber to connect to
   -d STRING  --desthost=STRING   Destination host to built the tunnel to
   -D INT     --destport=INT      Destination portnumber to built the tunnel to
   -n         --dottedquad        Convert destination hostname to dotted quad
   -v         --verbose           Turn on verbosity (default=off)
   -q         --quiet             Suppress messages  (default=off)

Proxytunnel [ -h | -V ]
Proxytunnel -i [ -u user -s pass ] -g host -G port -d host -D port [ -n ] [ -v | -q ]
Proxytunnel -a port [ -u user -s pass ] -g host -G port -d host -D port [ -n ] [ -v | -q ]


Of course, you can configure that permanently in your ~/.ssh/config file:
Host gate-via-proxy
        ProxyCommand "proxytunnel-linux-i386 -g proxy -G 3128 -d %h -D %p"

More about:
see: see proxytunnel project homepage


The best way to keep unwanted ssh-connections to the Internet from your network is to completely disallow Internet access in your LAN. Don't have proxyservers accessible to any LAN client. Have the browsers running in a DMZ and redirect their output to the workstations via X11, Citrix Metaframe, VNC a.s.o.

Further readings

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$Id:,v 1.82 2010-09-04 12:58:17 jfranken Exp $ [ChangeLog]
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